Paul May & Associates respects the privacy of visitors to our site. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully so that you understand our privacy practices.

Questions regarding privacy issues should be directed to at

The information gathered by Paul May & Associates falls into two categories: (1) information voluntarily supplied by visitors to our websites when they register or initiate transactions, and (2) tracking information gathered as visitors navigate through our sites. Third party providers featured on or linked to by our websites, such as vendors of products and services offered through our sites, may be gathering the same kinds of information. We are not responsible for the information-gathering practices of sites we link out to. If you can’t find the privacy policy of any of our partners via a link either from the site’s homepage or from the pages on which the products or services are offered, you should contact the site owners directly for more information

To make use of certain features on our website visitors need to register and to provide certain information as part of the registration process. The information you supply will help us to offer you more personalized features, to tailor our sites to your interests and make them more useful to you, and to process e-commerce transactions.

The more you tell us about yourself, the more value we can offer you. Supplying such information is entirely voluntary. But if you don’t supply the information we need, we may be unable to provide you with services we make available to other visitors to our sites. For example, we can’t send you email alerting you to a new service we’re offering, or breaking news that may interest you if you don’t tell us what you’re interested in and give us your email address.

We may occasionally release information about our visitors when release is appropriate to comply with law enforcement, or to protect the rights, property or safety of visitors to our sites, the public, or Paul May & Associates.

Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Web, we reserve the right to update or make changes to our privacy policy. By visiting any of our sites, you agree that your visit, and any dispute over our privacy practices, is governed by this Privacy Policy.

Paul May and Associates’ intent is to use confidential client information only for the purposes of conducting the assignment. We disclose client information only to others within the search firm (who may be supporting the consultant on this assignment) or potential candidates who have a need to know the information.
